The Brute - Kozlov: A hulking and violent but brilliant Russian scientist.
The Evil Genius - Hicks: He comes up with the plans and other errata but he is also a capable combatant.
The Dragon - O'Neill: A high-ranking officer within the Dragonstorm ranks, possibly second only to Zenarchis.
The Big Bad - Zenarchis: Founder/Leader of the Dragonstorm.
Darwin's Soldiers has a Five-Bad Band only for the Dragonstorm scientists.
The Brutes: The Shades (though there techanally more Mooks then actual adversaries).
The Evil Genius/ Sixth Ranger Traitor: Linksano.
With the Atop the Fourth Wall, Lord Vyce Arc:.
The Dark Chick: Benzaie, although he seems to be less evil or sociopathic than most of the team.
The Brute: Angry Joe, the Hot-Blooded Boisterous Bruiser with all the firepower, and head of the Army after their takeover.
Linkara is The Strategist and also head of their bureau of intelligence.
Phelous could also count, being the 'idea guy', most of which are simple common sense.He's far less evil than the Snob and has a smaller role, however.
The Evil Genius: The Cinema Snob, a Genre Savvy Non-Action Guy who is one of the very few characters being Played for Drama rather than laughs, and who winds up leading the first attempt to depose the Critic.
Co-Dragons: Film Brain and Nostalgia chick.
(Especially after he decides that he's willing to blow the country up to prevent anyone from usurping him).
With the That Guy With The Glasses crew being Villain Protagonists in Kickassia, their roster goes somewhat like this:.
Quirky Miniboss Squad: Elmer Fudd, the Spice Girls, and The Guy Who Always Cuts Off Your Limbs.
The Evil Genius and Dark Chick - Cobalt.
Naturally, Sailor Nothing had a crack at this.
The Sixth Ranger Traitor - Vamp, who has been blackmailed into joining the team and isn't happy about it.
The Dark Chick - literally, since Lady Darke has the name and the dark-based powers.
The Brute - the Arch-Fiend, who turns into an eight-foot tall demon.
The Evil Genius - while the Necromancer is the planner and brains, Nightgaunt is the smartest fighter.
The Dragon - his pal Lycanthros, who has super-werewolf powers.
The Big Bad - The Necromancer, dark mage and A-minus level supervillain.
The Children of the Night, supervillain team of the Whateley Universe.
Dark Chick: Arbiter, for keeping some sense of perspective after his Face-Heel Turn.
The Brute: Master Chief, who acts as the offense of the group.
Evil Genius: Colin Hunt, a homebrew software engineer responsible for the group's Fragban's hacks.
The Dragon: Tyler King, Eugene's right-hand man and best friend.
Big Bad: Eugene Black, the leader of the clan.
Token Good Teammate: Duncan, the only one who wasn't on board with nuking the OMN.
Dark Chick: Kylie, a Honey Trap who uses her femininity to get male gamers to lower their guards.
The Brute: Adam McIntyre, a Spoiled Brat who handles the group's offense.
Evil Genius: Stephen/"Silent Strike", The Mole inside TOSERS.
The Dragon: Clyde, the leader of Chaos Theosis.
Big Bad: Trent Donnovich, the group's employer.
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